Monday, August 12, 2013

Powerful Guest Blogging Tips

We all know that Guest Blogging is the most powerful SEO link building technique in today’s time but one another fact is that it is time consuming process.

First of all, let’s see what we have to do for publishing 1 Guest Post:

- Find the relevant sites of our business which accept Guest post
- Communicate with blogger and create relationship with him
- Come up with a topic
- Consider and comb through the guest blogging guidelines
- Write your article
- Edit your post according to requirement and guidelines
- Submit your post
- Go through round of edits

Sometime all these efforts will give you flow of traffic and number of new subscribers.

Today I am going to share you some tips of guest blogging which will help you to get SEO benefits.

Tip:1 Get Contextual LinksWe already know that , Google announce through problogger that they will punish the guest blogging in this year. But I don’t think so. I do think that they will devalue the links which are coming from author bio section.

Try to get the links from content section. This will help you to increase click through rate and give you more uninterrupted SEO benefits.

Tip:2 Blog comments = Traffic

Guest post can drive the traffic to your website, but how can you estimate that how much of traffic a guest post bring to you? I’ve found that the number of blog comments on your post is directly proportional to how much referral traffic you can get from guest blogging.

Recently, one of my friend published blog in search engine journal. As we expect, I was ready to get huge number of referral traffic. But it did not come. I certainly realized that site doesn’t get many blog comments.

Blog comments are reliable, legitimate engaged community.  Content at search engine journal is superb as always but the traffic from search engine journal is like hit and run. They read the content and leave it. Also readers are not willing to go through the click rate from author bio.

Tip:3 Link To Your Other Guest Post

If you’re in SEO, then you probably know about the Tiered Link Building. Tiered link building is where you have to create link for your links. Generally people are getting these type of links from crappy web 2.0 site or from article directories.

You can apply same technique to your guest post to make it more powerful. I generally called this idea as KissMetricBlog.

Basically you have to put your other guest post link in your guest post. With this strategy, you will get 2 links in price of 1.

Tip:4 Get your data organized

If you scale Guest post little bit, you’ll eventually lose the track of guest post you wrote..and who you wrote them for.

To make sure you don’t let anything fall through the cracks, I recommend to setting up a simple excel sheet which have to cover all the records.

Mine is look like this:

Source page
External Link
Contacted Via?
Mail ID
Mail ID
Mail ID
Mail ID
Mail ID

As you can see, nothing is complicated. But it helps you to keep in record that what you are sending to whom and when.. Through this, you cannot email the same person twice or do not send the same guest post to 2 different people.

Tip:5 Focus on Page Level Page Rank

While publishing the guest post, you must have to focus on page level Page Rank. Do not consider the domain Page rank only.

As you know that, page rank of the page is the important more then domain PR. Although two are correlate, this isn’t always the case.

For e.g I published some of the posts on which have PR of 5 but the page which I used have 0 or N/A PR.

Tip:6 Stalk Their Social Media Accounts

Another way to measure the traffic potential of guest post is how much they have social followers on social networking sites. Mostly, blogs tends to promote their promote their guest post the same way they promote their own stuff on Twitter, pinterest and other social media sites.   

So if you have 5000+ followers on twitter, we can easily get more visits to your guest posts.

Also Google is paying more attention to social signals. So if you are getting more g+ or more tweet, you will get more link juice.

Tip:7 Add CO-Occurrences Around Links

According to SEO Moz – co-occurrences-the keywords that surround your links – are replacing anchor text.

Means that adding keywords around your links can help to raise the importance as well as ranking for that keyword.

So whenever you write the BIO, add keywords around your link. This will help Google to know about your site more.

So, if you are SEO Expert, I think these tips will surely encourage you to grow up your skill and will give you more benefits through your guest blogs.


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